True or false? Let’s find out what you really know about hair!

Are you sure you know it all about hair?

Even though I’ve been interested in the topic of hair and natural hair care products for a long time now, there are still things that surprise me.

Try browsing through hair care blogs for a few minutes and… try not to go mad! Some girls tell you to let hair down before sleep whereas others say you’re going to make hair break this way. Some say that silicones are evil whereas others believe they’re good when used in the right amount.

What’s the truth then? I’ve explored the topic of the most popular hair care facts and myths. Take a look at what I’ve learnt.


1. Dark hair grows more quickly than blonde hair.

It’s a HAIR care MYTH!

The speed of hair growth differs yet it isn’t connected with hair color. The things that really affect the growth include the way you care for hair, your general condition and genes.

Where does the myth come from then? Blonde hair is naturally thinner and more brittle. It might appear to grow more slowly since its length doesn’t change because of broken hair, split ends and less volume.

2. Regular hair brushing speeds up growth.

It’s a HAIR care FACT!

A tip you can find on every other hair care blog originates from traditional hair care methods practised by our grandmas and great grandmas. Hair brushing has lots of benefits e.g. it prevents knots, clears hair of dirt and helps smooth products over the hair.

This might have an impact on faster growth but the key thing is you massage the scalp while brushing. In turn the blood flow is improved and hair follicles are stimulated.

3. You can’t brush wet hair.

It’s a HAIR care FACT!

Speaking of a brushing routine, a hairbrush doesn’t make a good choice when strands are wet. Pick a wooden wide-tooth comb instead.

Why does it matter? Wet hair is way easier to break so you must be gentle. Never tug or pull the hair while detangling. A hairbrush might get stuck in the hair and that’s why a comb makes a better choice.

4. Greasy hair must be washed as often as possible.

It’s a HAIR care MYTH!

People who have problems with greasy hair often think that every-day wash is a must. They are unaware that overwashing makes the problem worse!

Yes, you see it right. Washing hair too often makes hair even greasier because detergents in shampoos damage the natural hydro-lipid barrier. This leads to skin dehydration and intensified functioning of sebum glands – by producing more sebum, the body protects itself from irritations and loss of moisture.

5. Styling products leave hair very dry.

It’s a HAIR care FACT!

The last thing I’m going to reveal is the dark side of styling cosmetics. If you don’t stick to the must-follow rules, your hairstyling routine is likely to cause lots of damage.

Too hot airflow of a blow-dryer is the main wrongdoer. If you really need to blow hair dry, set a cool airflow and apply heat protectants. Believe it or not, even styling products may leave hair very dry e.g. hairsprays, mousses, serums; let alone cosmetics based on alcohols which make water escape from hair.