No more stretch marks! How to remove them from your thighs, buttocks and belly?

Stretch marks. Hated by thousands of women all over the world. Hard to do away with. What can you do when they appear on your skin? How to clear your thighs, buttocks and belly of stretch marks? Check out my top remedies and remove them once and for all!

Men are sometimes surprised by the amount of time women devote to skin care. There’s nothing to be surprised by. Female skin is way more prone to various kinds of imperfections such as cellulite (uneven distribution of fatty tissue) or stretch marks.

The other problem affects even 70% of young women. They usually appear during pregnancy but it’s not a rule. What are stretch marks, how to get rid of them and keep them from reoccurring?

What are stretch marks and how they’re formed?

Simply put, stretch marks are scars. Long, strikingly visible or barely-there, looking like stripes on a tiger.

In most cases, stretch marks appear on thighs, buttocks and belly, and sometimes on breasts. Note: stretch marks are located in the deeper skin layers in the dermis.

What causes stretch marks? As far as the direct cause goes, it is the fragility of collagen and elastin fibers keeping the skin elastic, bouncy and firm. When the net made of these fibers is broken, then unwanted marks appear on the skin.

The most common causes of stretch marks:

  • hormonal imbalance and genetic predisposition (women often inherit proneness to stretch marks from their mothers).
  • mechanical damage (related to changing body mass and skin stretching e.g. in pregnant women).

How to prevent stretch marks?

First of all, let’s face the truth: it’s way easier to prevent the stretch marks than eliminate them. Once damaged, the skin cannot be repaired easily. That is why when you notice your skin tends to lose elasticity, you should turn to more intensive skin care.

The easiest things you can do:

  • eat foods rich in vitamins A, E, PP, B5, and minerals such as silicon and zinc.
  • be more active and exercise regularly to aid the body in removing excess of fatty tissue and strengthening the skin.
  • use anti-stretch marks creams and other treatments that firm up the skin and improve its tightness.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

The situation is slightly different if stretch marks have already appeared on your skin. Fighting them isn’t an easy task but you should try various methods , not giving in right away.


  • rubbing almond oil enriched with a few drops of camomile and lavender oils into skin
  • regular use of coffee scrub based on coffee grounds combined with a favorite shower gel or oil
  • contrast showers with a massage glove to increase the blood flow
  • mint (strong mint infusion) or lemon (lemon oil and bath salt) bath e.g. once a week
  • aloe vera gel or juice instead of a body lotion after a bath and aloe-based masks


  • mesotherapy, usually needle mesotherapy, involves deliberate skin damage to stimulate skin renewal process
  • laser therapy uses an appropriate laser beam to reduce visibility of scars and strengthen the skin
  • combination of both procedures