How to care for hair and skin in line with Ayurveda?

Skin and hair care in accordance with Ayurveda concentrates on maintaining the balance and using products suited to three energies (or doshas) vata, pitta and kapha. Learn what cosmetics make the best choice for your dominant dosha.

What is the best skin and hair care routine like?

Ayurvedic types – doshas – point to the needs of our bodies, telling us about the most suitable diet and skin/hair care. Characteristic features of vata, pitta and kapha give you tips for better skin and hair care, and easier choice of products.

What’s the best skin and hair care for vata?

Vata’s skin likes sunscreens and gel cleansers. For the bedtime routine, use nourishing products that repair hydro-lipid film. Vata’s fine, dry hair needs products rich in keratin and oils not weighing hair down.

What’s the best skin and hair care for pitta?

If pitta is your dominant dosha, you should choose lightweight formulas with mild substances. Your face cleansers shouldn’t contain soap which could irritate and dry out skin. Evening skin care should be based on vegetable oils and butters. To treat the hair, use strongly-nourishing products featuring soy, wheat or rice proteins; argan oil works well too.

What’s the best skin and hair care for kapha?

Use scrubs that cleanse skin and make pores less visible. You should massage the skin to stimulate blood and lymph flow. Ideally, pick products enriched with herbal extracts. As addition to skin care, drink lots of still water to ensure body hydration. As far as hair care goes, use products that balance the secretion of sebum and contain herbal extracts, aloe, rosemary and green tea.

Ayurveda – natural beauty products

Ayurvedic cosmetics are always based on natural, eco-friendly, vegan ingredients. All substances should come from reliable sources. According to Ayurveda, if you aren’t sure if a product is made up of natural ingredients, you shouldn’t buy it.